Advanced Academic Opportunities at MLK
MLK provides students many opportunities to enroll in advanced coursework.
Students are encouraged to challenge themselves academically and take advantage of the opportunities listed below that best align with their postsecondary aspirations and goals. Many of these opportunities can be applied toward college credit to save both time and money in the future. 
Metro Schools encourages all students to consider pursuing challenging courses. Advanced courses can open future doors, be rewarding intellectually, and help students stretch themselves to reach their potential.
At MLK, students can work with their school counselors to learn more about and enroll in advanced courses.
Advanced Academics Course Categories
- AP — Advanced Placement courses, which allow students to take courses in many different subjects and then complete an exam in May to potentially earn college credit. Additional Advanced Placement options are available through Tennessee's AP Access for All program. For more information, visit the MNPS Early Post Secondary Opportunities webpage or speak with your school counselor.
- IC — Industry Credential courses, which prepare students to pass an industry certification exam.
To learn more about these Advanced Academic courses and other opportunities, including Dual Enrollment courses offered through Nashville State Community College and Tennessee's AP for All program, visit the Early Post-Secondary Opportunities webpage.