Dress Code

MLK Dress Code

  • Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be mid-thigh in length.
  • Undershirts/tank tops/spaghetti straps are prohibited for
    males and females. If worn, they must be worn with another
    “cover up” shirt. Shoulders, backs, chests, and midriffs must
    be covered.
  • Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. Slippers are
    not appropriate
  • Hats and other head coverings (including hoodies) are not allowed.
  • MLK will provide reasonable accommodation to students
    whose bona fide religious belief, medical condition, or
    disability requires special clothing.
  • Writing or images of substances that are illegal
    for teens (i.e., drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products)
    or are otherwise offensive, lewd, indecent, vulgar,
    obscene, profane or gang-related, or constitute
    racial or ethnic slurs, may not be worn.
  • Tattoos that display drugs, alcohol, or tobacco
    products, or gang or sex-related words or images
    must not be seen at any time.
  • Chains and spiked accessories are not